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1. Your-own web site Most affiliates set a redirect link straight to their internet Solution. Linklicious Blackhatworld contains further concerning where to flirt with it. It is perhaps not such an excellent practice. *Register a website that closely resembles your internet item Web site. For example, if you are an affiliate for Site, make an effort to enroll or *Follow the lay-out of your internet product site. *Put material on your site minimum of 10 pages. Like articles and reviews associated with your internet product. No need to tell put up links leading the customer to your internet website. *If you have a multiple different affiliate products, dont mix them up and put all of those links on same site. Select a multidomain number and host your different internet web internet sites for cheap. 2. This grand link has a few ideal lessons for the reason for it. Your Own Personal opt-in list You need your own opt-in record **no matter** what you sell and your own or your internet product. Begin providing free ecourse or an ezine connected to your internet solution and collect e-mail addresses. You need a follow up autoresponder or even a maling record manager to handle This method of collecting emails, follow up, sending promotional emails And so on. etc. This is a PHP script as you are able to use as BOTH followup auto-responders and subscriber list managers 3. Your Own Ezine articles Yep You have to spread the word about your affiliate solution. Do not You? Write articles related to your affiliae solution and publish them on your Site, deliver them to publishers, submit them to content sites. Execute a search on Google or Altavista like submit+article, you will obtain a big listing of websites. My girlfriend discovered sponsors by searching Bing. Keep your favorites in your Favorites folder and distribute to them on regular basis. Few ideas on paper e-zine articles in the affiliates perspective =Do not reveal your internet link straight in your resourcebox. =Usually affiliate links comes for as long URLs. Discover further about linklicious comparison by visiting our striking portfolio. These have a tendency to break-up. So use some type of re-direction. =Only market one product in one report. More on covering affiliate links