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Running belt I am currently running for a half marathon and decided its time to get a running belt to easily carry a few essentials - water, phone, ID, carb gummies, etc. Ive researched at lots of belts - some with four bottles, some with more pouches - and can honestly say this belt is perfect for my needs and all around a great purchase for the price. The two 6oz water bottles looked much smaller than I imagined. As I considered their size I realized that even on a typicall 10 mile run in the cool NC fall and winter I hardly consume much more than 12oz of liquid. On a summer 10 miler I might reconsider but in the fall and winter I figured that these bottles would be just enough without adding unnecessary weight. The pouch on the belt is basic, just a small envelope just large enough for a phone, a key and maybe a thin wallet. Again I thought about the size until I thought about how much I really want or need to carry on a run. There were also a couple extra shock cord for attaching gels. I am not sure how useful these would be for me, unless I go over 10 miles I do not bother with gels. Use, Fit, Feel I put the belt on early one morning for its first use. With the bottles filled and my smart phone in the pouch the belt sat nicely on my hips. The Velcro attachment for the belt is ample and gave more than enough grip to keep the belt in place. I set of on a 5 mile trail run to see how the belt held up to bouncing around. I was impressed. Even jumping over mud and logs the belt did not unduly bounce or move. I never had to adjust the fit, something that was an problem with other belts I have worn and why I often run with a vest. Most of all the bottles never wanted to pop out, even when the shock cord holders attached to them were not in place. I was not sure about removing and replacing the small bottles while moving. I have had other belts where this became an issue. Removing the bottles is easy. They pull out quickly and fit well in the hand. If you have an opinion about irony, you will seemingly choose to research about Read more about this Fuel belt product. Inittially placing them back in was not simple and required two hands. However, after a few tries I discovered that the small pieces of reflective material on the bottle pouches gave tactile feedback to where the pouch is at. I found with one hand I could find the pouch, open it with my thumb and place the bottle in with one hand, without looking and with little to no effect on my speed. This is very different than with many other belts I have used. The one drawback Irealized was that the gear pouch was about a half inch too small to easily fit my IPhone with the headphone jack. I could fit it in at an angle but it was not easy fit. This may be becaue of thecase I use and would be solved if I switched to Bluetooth headphones. If you have a large phone like an IPhone 6 or Galaxy S5 you may not get it into the pouch. Beyond that I have been very satisfied with this belt, I have used it on many more runs and it remains solid, simple, and very reliable. The small bottles and gear pouch are just enough and stop me from over packing. Because the bottles are small there is very little bounce or swing when running which I really enjoy. This is clearly a minimalist hydration running belt with no frills, save some extra shock cord to attach gel packs, which I have not used. It is not going to go with you on an ultra, but if you a searching for something small, light, and reliable for runs under 10 miles this belt may be just what youre looking for..