
ElderNesbit64 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2015년 6월 12일 (금) 05:27 판 (새 문서: My children drink a lot of water. Youd believe that would be considered healthy correct? But what exactly is in my h2o? There are numerous unhealthy impurities in regular faucet water...)

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My children drink a lot of water. Youd believe that would be considered healthy correct? But what exactly is in my h2o? There are numerous unhealthy impurities in regular faucet water that I hesitate to give it to my loved ones in its unfiltered condition. But bottled water is getting expensive and those replacement brand-name refrigerator filters are really expensive too. So I see this commercial on television for the Clearwasser compatible replacement filter at half the usual price and a light bulb turns on in my head Bingo - I DESIRE that. I was super hyped that I found it on Amazon, since I have Prime free 2-day shipping and Im pretty much addicted to Amazons customer service. To get a second standpoint, people are able to peep at Learn more at http://www.amazon.com/Compatible-Refrigerator-Replacement-ADQ36006101-reminding/dp/B00YHZ22DC/refrigerator filter/. No like em? Return em Cant beat that. Astonishingly enough it arrived the next day on my front doorstep I installed the LG LT700P filter that same day. It took all of three minutes What a good product After I purged it out with a few gallons of water according to the instructions, the water started coming out really clear. Delicious, crisp as well as fresh tasting drinking water. Perfect for my health conscious family You cant put a price on clean water but there is no need to break the bank. Try it out yourself.