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I believe you might have discovered this page if you are attempting to find out just exactly what probiotics are and why a person actually would need them. I was on Amazon.com, looking for something totally unconnected to probiotics, when I saw an ad on the sidebar of my screen. I had really been curious about probiotics because of seeing some other marketing that was stating that probiotics are good bacteria and were needed to balance out the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria that all of us have in our bodies. I think the words "good bacteria" are exactly what captured my attention since I had always assumed that bacteria was a bad word or, at least, the germs were bad. Now, this got my interest up so I got on the Internet to see what I might learn. Our ancestors got by without taking probiotic supplements because they were consuming a lot more good bacteria than we do today and they were not being provided with anti-biotics whenever they got a touch of some disease like we are today. Anti-biotics are exactly what the word implies ... they are "against" bacteria ... good or harmful. We get sick and the medical professional either prescribes some anti-biotic tablets or provides us a shot to exterminate the germs that are triggering our problem. The only bad thing about that is that it also exterminates the good germs that our bodies require for a number of reasons. A few of the duties of the beneficial bacteria are to promote a healthy digestive system, promote a healthy immune system and to help keep a healthy probiotic balance. Now, doesn't it make good sense that, if you become ill and are given shots or prescriptions to kill the germs, that the good bacteria, which are promoting a healthy immune system, are killed off leaving you more vulnerable to another ailment? So the point, of all this, is that I discovered enough to understand I had to supplement my diet with a great probiotic so my search online led me to Amazon and to the Life Glow Probiotics which I ordered. To study additional info, consider glancing at: Check this out at amazon.com/Life-Glow-Probiotics-Supplements-Pharmaceutical/dp/B00VUOE4HU/probiotics supplement/. Things that made it stick out from all the rest is that it's a pharmaceutical grade product, not just the other things you see such as being made just from the finest U.S. sourced ingredients in an FDA approved facility which is NSA/GMP accredited. Life Glow Probiotics has all that too but with the addition of being Pharmaceutical Grade. This is an additional step the others do not take. Since taking these supplements, I have noticed less heartburn, more energy and I believe they're even helping a bit with my weight control due to better digestion of the food I eat. I've seen on webmd and other web sites that the supplements can be helpful for skin problems, urinary and vaginal health, oral health and a host of other things so I think you couldn't go wrong in taking them. The seller at Life Radiance Products likewise sent me a couple of emails seeing to it that I had actually gotten my product and asking if I was delighted with it. They also included a couple bits of info about how to best use the product. That is truly uncommon in this day and age so I've been extremely amazed with their products and the outstanding service they provide me. I really feel that you would be as pleased as I am with this probiotic and the business behind it. The fact that it's offered on Amazon.com with their 100 % Satisfaction or your money back guarantee is also assuring. If you do not like it, get your cash back so theirs no risk involved in trying it out. You can get more details about it by clicking the link below and I hope you'll do that and see if you concur with me. Not a lot to lose and perhaps a lot to gain with much better health..