
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

What a time saver I havent used these for pulled pork yet, but they are absolutely amazing for shredding chicken I make a lot of meals that include shredded chicken like enchiladas or chicken noodle soup and I have to say, these claws are helpful I use to spend a huge amount of time shredding chicken with two forks, but with these great BBQ Meat Claws by CookArt it now only takes me a matter of minutes to shred my meals. I can even use them to easily move my chicken over to a plate for shredding.The grip is comfy and theyre dishwasher safe. I couldnt be more satisfied with this solution. Get further on our favorite related website by browsing to Check this out at amazon.com/Claws-Shredder-Carving-Handing-Essential/dp/B00XQKYYYE/Meat Shredders/.