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I met a female once that kept a journal especially about things she was l... Should you wish to learn further about open site in new window, there are many resources people should consider investigating. Your daily life is influenced and shaped by individuals that you work with, stay with, and hang-out with. To read additional information, consider checking out go. People are definitely the single largest source of influence in each others lives. The people in your life are the people in the story, If you think of your life as-a story. The same as you can learn from characters in any good novel, you can learn many things from the characters in your story. I met a lady once that kept a journal specifically about things she was learning from the people, or people, in her life. She had just spent a summer backpacking in Europe and the pages of her journal were full of biographies of the charcters that summer that she met. Some were more important than the others, obviously, but she was deliberate about learning from even characters that showed up in her story for a couple of minutes. I was so impressed by her dedication to learning from living and I was encouraged to create a similar journal just for the people within my life. Since starting my own people record, Ive learned more from people than I ever thought possible. I started the record by listing the principle characters that have been generally part of my days. Browse here at like to check up the inner workings of it. These included my children members, closest friends, and co-workers that I interacted with often. I desired to create this listing of main characters because often individuals we are closest to are the hardest ones to become deliberate about learning from. By having a record in leading of my diary I was reminded of these frequently. My journey of learning from the people within my life has been simple and yet serious. I just take a couple of minutes by the end of each day to report things Ive witnessed or learned from others. Sometimes I see traits in other characters that I desire to create a part of my very own personality. Other times I see things in people who I wish to alert myself against ever becoming. Whatever the case, I am careful to see the world around me for such a thing I may find out about living better. For example, a couple of months ago I met a woman that had the ability to tell engaging stories. I recorded her skill in my characters diary that night with a special note that I need to learn to tell stories better. One day my dad explained a story about his childhood. To study more, we understand you take a look at in english. My figures journal that night told of a increased respect Id obtained for my dad by understanding more about his life. Some of the most useful lessons of my life came from the main characters in my own life. Id never have discovered or remembered a number of these instructions without monitoring them in a characters log. Consider starting a record of the characters which can be part of your story. Youll be glad you did..