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Fixation of payment or wage rates for different groups of employees in a company can be an important task of administration. We discovered per your request by searching Google Books. The employees are not only concerned with the wages received but additionally concerned with the level wages received by same level of employees in similar companies. Ergo salary structure may be considered very important. Discover more on an affiliated encyclopedia - Visit this link: los angeles wage garnishments lawyer. The relative wage-rules must certanly be fixed carefully, because they have implications for marketing, shift, seniority and other important personnel matters. Certain fundamental characteristics should be possessed by wage plan if the long term interests of the management, staff and the consumer are to be served. The salary plan must be associated with the productivity of the employees. Unless higher pay scales of workers are connected for some reason to the productivity of workers, a wage program will not be fair both to the administration or to the consumers. Standard wage for every single job classification must be linked to ability job needs of job. Due consideration should really be given to such facets as skill, length of time required in learning, versatility required and working conditions. In most fairness to management, the master plan should generally create a reduction of unit cost of manufacture, making possible lower prices and higher earnings. In most fairness to the consumers a share of higher efficiency ought to be offered to them by means of cheap. This is possible when there is reduction in price due to greater performance. Thus the wage plan must be sure that most participate share the results of higher efficiency. Learn more on this related essay - Click here: los angeles bank levy lawyer. The pay plan includes an incentive program for the workers. The device should guarantee higher pay to the employees who perform work at higher degree of effectiveness. Partner Site includes further about when to see this view. The wage plan should guarantee minimum wage to protect the interest of individuals against conditions over which they have no control..