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Rajas is the energy of action, change and motion. Rajas may be the fuel of love and fire. Rajasic power is also linked to the day light hours. To get another perspective, people might want to check-out: close window. We clearly need rajasic energy to create energy to go effectively during our world and lives. When we have a lot of rajasic ene... Have you learned about the Gunas? No, theyre not Disney people! In accordance with yoga you can find three basic qualities or powers which make up everything. Theyre, rajas, tamas and sattva. Rajas could be the energy of change, action and motion. Rajas may be the fuel of fire and love. Rajasic power is also linked to the day light hours. We obviously need rajasic energy to make energy to maneuver properly during the world and lives. When we have too much rajasic power we may possibly seem to the exterior world as acutely active, go go go, do do do! Does this sound like you? Maintaining a higher amount of rajasic energy leads to burn out! When rajas is out of harmony the body and mind are overstimulated, the mind becomes disturbed and you have a great deal of uncontrollable thoughts. Foods that are rajasic include: spicy food, fried foods, coffee / caffeinated beverages/ stimulants/ fish, eggs, candy, foods that are very bitter, dry, sour and salty. Eating in a hurry can be considered rajasic Tamas could be thought of as the opposite of rajas. Tamasic power is of a state-of inertia and inactivity, heaviness and darkness. When tamas is out of balance your power to reason becomes clouded and you may go through the deeper feelings such as anger or greed. Tamasic energy is present throughout night, just like theres more rajasic energy present in daylight hours. People who are very tamasic may be depressed or seem lazy. Generally speaking dis-ease states are tamasic. This Month is a stirring online library for supplementary information about when to consider this view. Examples of tamasic food include: meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, fermented foods vinegar or strong cheese, old food or over ripe food, extremely prepared food or chemically-treated. Overeating is considered tamasic. Sattva is energy that is in a state of balance and harmony. Browse this webpage http://www.marykay-sh.com/showthread.php?tid=45646 to learn the meaning behind it. Good emotional and intellectual states of pleasure and intelligence are associated with sattva. An individual who was experiencing lots of sattvic energy would appear happy. Sattvic energy is also consistent with therapeutic states and in Ayurveda yogas brother technology sattvic energy is actively cultivated. Sattvic power is most present during the times between light and dark- in other words dusk and dawn. Someone on the path is concentrated on developing sattva and for this reason yoga asana and meditation are classically conducted at these times. Foods that are sattvic include: fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables, pure juice, legumes, milk, butter, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds, honey and herb teas. Its very important to realize that we all have all three gunas within us. Identify further on our partner website by clicking ClaudeEspada743 - TLR Archives. And while that is true we generally have a predominant guna. On the basis of the points above is it possible to figure out what yours is? It is good to be aware of this because when youre aware of your commonplace guna then you can estimate how might answer certain life conditions too know your strengths and weaknesses. Youll know when you will tend to be thrown out of balance and what youll need to do to bring yourself back into balance. You also may have situations in our lives when one guna is more effective then another. Perhaps you have very effective rajasic and very effective time. Or even a time when you have been frustrated tamasic. Or perhaps a time when were very balanced and in tune with your spirituality satvic. Another way the gunas appear in our lives and right effect people is through the food we eat. Con-sider for one minute the average American diet with overly processed and chemically-treated foods that are very tamasic. Modern science now confirms these foods are directly linked to major diseases including cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. As mentioned above an excessive amount of tamasic power contributes to disease states. We also understand that foods in their complete form such as fresh fruits, grains and vegetables sattvic foods are life supporting and provide health and power. Do you practice yoga postures asana? Just how do the gunas appear here? Is the asana practice enthusiastic and hot? Was your practice was slow and sluggish? Or was it balanced? Its probably becoming clear for you chances are that to be healthier, happy, and stay a balance life it is very important to enhance sattva in your life. This is often done by: Reducing tamas and rajas Becoming conscious of when youre out-of balance- which guna looks many present? Increase activities and environments that produce good ideas Eating a healthy, sattvic oriented diet Certain herbs matter for another post The practice of yoga: pranayama breathing methods, asana postures, meditation.